Welcome to The Crafty DIY Blog!

 Hi! My name is Lila and I'm a junior majoring in Art Education at the University of Toledo. Welcome to The Crafty DIY Blog!  In this blog, I will show you different DIY projects I have made that are included in the categories of, "Organization" "Stationary" and "Decor."  My aim for this blog is to not only inspire you to recycle objects that you may have in your own house, but to get organized and crafty with them.  It may even inspire you to create something you have never thought of before!  Some of the DIY projects that I will include in this blog are a Bathroom Organizer in which I will show you how you can recycle empty tissue boxes and make an organizer out of them, how you can DIY plain notebooks for school, and how you can even recycle an old t-shirt or dress to create a new art poster!  I think recycling objects and making them into something new is not only a great way to show your own creativity, but is also a good way to custom your house with reusable objects without spending extra money on objects that you already have in your house.  I hope you find this blog helpful and that it inspires you to make old objects into something new and usable.  


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