Soundation Project

This week in my Digital Media class, we learned how to make our very own audio mashup using the application, Soundation. Learning how to use this application was fun, but also very frustrating and time consuming. When exploring the different sound effects it had, I was most interested in how each effect that had the word "Synth" in it sounded. It sounded like each had a electronica/pop sound to it, which I liked. I wanted to make an upbeat song and wanted the sounds to be similar, but different to each other. All of the sounds I chose had Synth in the title, such as "130 SynthSidechained C. wav" and "120 SynthSong C. wav." Combining some of the music was fun to do, but it was frustrating trying to figure out how to end the song and make the volume go down when it ended. I do, however, like how the song sounds when it first starts and the repetition of some of the music I chose to use. I was trying to make it sound like a song with the chorus music repeating three times. For some of the music I chose, I put it in its own solo to give it a variety in the song, which I found interesting to listen to. Although I am not musically inclined, I am overall pleased with how this audio clip turned out. Enjoy!


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