DIY Bracelets

This DIY is great if you like wearing bracelets. I created this DIY because I like wearing bracelets and I thought it would be cool to make it out of sleeves from old t-shirts that I had.  I first started off by going through the old shirts I had and picked which sleeves I wanted to use as bracelets.  I cut off the sleeves I wanted and cut it down to where it stopped by my wrist. 

For the first bracelet I made, I used a plain pink sleeve and glued the edges that I cut to create the bracelet.  I made sure that the fabric could fit on my wrist and could be easily taken off.  Once the bracelet fit, I then took another old shirt I had, cut out a peace design I liked and glued it on top of the bracelet to add some color to it.  I later added beads on the ends of the bracelet from a beading technique I learned how to do in my Senior Humanities class.  

For the second bracelet I made, I repeated the same process I did for the first bracelet, but used different shirts for it.  The fabric I used for this bracelet was from a sweater shirt.  The sleeves on it were easy to stretch and could fit on my wrist without falling off.  So, all I did for this bracelet was cut it down to the size I wanted, glued a butterfly design I got from another shirt, and placed it on my arm without having to glue any of the edges.  Overall, I was happy with how my DIY bracelets turned out and was glad that I got to repurpose my old shirts into a bracelet that could wear. 

What you will need:
  • Fabric from shirt sleeves or a piece of fabric 
  • Old shirts to add designs to it
  • Fabric glue
  • Fabric scissors 
  • Beads (optional)

Step 1: Go through the old shirts that you may have and see what type of sleeves you would like to repurpose into a bracelet
Step 2: Cut down your fabric into the size of bracelet you want and glue any edges that are cut
Step 3: Make sure the bracelet can easily move on and off your wrist before adding designs to it
Step 4: Glue any designs from old shirts that you would like to add
Step 5: Add any other embellishments (such as beads) to your bracelet if you want to and wear your new DIY fabric bracelet in style 

I hope this inspires some of you to create your own DIY bracelet.  See you later!  Happy crafting! :) 


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