Pencil and Paper Organizer

Desks have a lot of space for many items, such as pencils, pens, markers, highlighters, and paper.  During the school year, my desk has gotten filled with many papers, pens, and pencils that it’s hard to keep organized sometimes.  I created this Pencil and Paper Organizer to help keep my desk a bit more organized.  What’s great about this type of organizer is that it acts like a pencil holder, but can also hold some loose pieces of paper that you have lying on your desk.  It is a great DIY for keeping your stationary organized and also your life organized so you know where to find your pencils and papers that you might need to grab on the go.


To create this Pencil and Paper Organizer, I first started off by getting two empty Ritz cracker boxes.  I cut one of them shorter than the other for smaller items to fit inside.  I didn’t have hot glue in my house at the time, so I took clear packaging tape and taped the boxes together.  Then, I took an old striped t-shirt that I had, cut it in smaller pieces, and used regular Elmer’s glue to attach it onto the outside of the boxes. I didn’t decide to decorate the inside for this DIY, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have to.  After I let the fabric dry, I then took my pens, pencils, highlighters, and placed them on the edge of the two boxes so I could have a quick easy access for what I needed.  I put my random loose leaf papers inside the taller box.  I put my smaller papers in the smaller box and decided to put two glue sticks in it as well.  Lastly, I placed it on my desk and used it as both a pencil and paper holder.  This DIY has been very helpful and useful for me.  I love how I made two different uses for my pencils and paper in one movable organizer. 

What you will need:
  • Two Ritz cracker boxes (or whatever other boxes that can fit pencils and paper) 
  • Tape (optional)
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue or regular glue (I highly recommend hot glue since it dry fast and will stick well)
  • Fabric, paint, duct tape, scrapbook paper, or anything else that you can find to cover the boxes. 

Step 1: Gather the boxes you want for your organizer that you think can fit pencils and papers 
Step 2: Set up your organizer the way you would like and either tape or glue the boxes together
Step 3: Decorate the outside and inside (optional) of the boxes with whatever material(s) you would like
Step 4: Put your pens, pencils, highlighters, and paper in the organizer and place it on your desk for you to use every day! 

Hope you all found this DIY helpful and useful!  See you in my next post!  Keep on crafting every one! :)   


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