Telephone Table Organizer

Hello everyone!  Welcome to my first DIY project that I will share!  If you have an entry or telephone table near your front door and place your everyday to-go objects on it, then this DIY is perfect for you! 


What you will need:
  • One big cardboard box (shoe box or a frozen pizza box)
  • Various smaller size boxes that can fit in the bigger box (I suggest 3 so you have an open space for bigger items that you need to store)
  • Construction paper, scrapbook paper, fabric, or foam 
  • Hot glue or regular glue
  • Scissors
  • Tape (optional if glue is not available at your disposal) 
  • A creative mind :) 
I created this DIY Telephone Table Organizer for my dad because he always kept his items that he needed with him everyday on our telephone table.  Once I saw how messy the table appeared frequently from all the papers and objects he placed on it, I decided to reorganize it for him so he would have a much easier access to his everyday on-the-go items.  So instead of seeing him throw all his items carelessly on the table, he now has a better organized way to place his items and it makes the table look cleaner. 

As you can see in the pictures, he uses each compartment for what can fit inside it.  The small box on the left holds business and appointment cards that he received.  The box in the middle holds his wallet and car keys.  The box on the right side holds coupons that he might want to use when he goes grocery shopping the next time.  In the center, I left an open space so he could fit his glasses cases, hair combs, watch, and house keys.  He uses this organizer everyday now and is very glad how useful and helpful it has become for him.

The big cardboard box was actually a frozen pizza box that I just cut the top off.  The small box was a Claritin box.  I believe that the middle box used to be an almond box.  The coupon box used to be a granola box that allowed you to open it two different ways.  I chose to open it in the way that made it look like a small magazine holder.  As for decorating the box, I used different colored construction paper to cover all of the outsides of the boxes and I glued it on.  I used a yellow/blue color scheme to go with the Toledo Rocket sign I drew on the front.  I made it that theme for him because he is a UT alumni and now I get the chance to go there as well for college.  You can use fabric to cover it as well and make it your own personal design! 

Here are the steps in creating your very own Telephone Table Organizer:

Step 1: Collect all of your boxes and plan out how you would like to arrange them for storing your objects.
Step 2: Decorate all the boxes using construction paper, scrapbook paper, fabric, or whatever other materials you can cover the boxes with.
Step 3: Tape or glue (I'd prefer glue - especially hot glue since it drys fast and is a good adhesive) all the small boxes inside the bigger box.
Step 4: Place your items in the box by how you see fits best and place it on your entry table for everyone to see your newest creation!!

I hope you all got inspired by this DIY.  Let me know if you happen to create your own Telephone Table Organizer.  I'd love to see pictures of your own recreation of this if you make it!  Have fun getting crafty everyone!  See you all in my next blog post! :)  


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