Text-Based Art
For this week’s assignment in Digital Media, we learned about text-based art. Text-based art is art that is created by text – meaning that the text can form a work of art. We had to use six software’s (GlassGiant ASCII Art generator, Text-Image, WordArt, Textorizer 1, Textorizer 2, and Exocoffizer) to create different types of text based art. This was probably one of my favorite assignments we had to do because I enjoyed using the software's and including my own artwork in it. For all the text based artworks I created, I was trying to create a theme that represented my love for art and school.
The first software I used was GlassGiant’s ASCII Art generator. I used my first oil painting I made in my Painting class last year for this piece. It is a still life of a shoe, book, and bottle. It had a width of 100 and small font when it was converted.
Reference Drawing |
HTML format |
ASCII format |
Matrix format |
The second software I used was Text-Image. For this software, we had to create three images in the formats of HTML, ASCII, and Matrix. I used the same image for each, which was a graphite and charcoal drawing of a close up of a flower I drew in my first year of college. For the HTML format, I put the words “Close up of a Flower” as the tile of the piece. It had a normal font with a black background, a width of 130, and extra contrasts added. In the ASCII format, I made it an image width of 100 in black and white with a black text. Lastly, for the Matrix format, I used a width of 70 with extra contrasts added.
The third software I used was WordArt which allows you to create word cloud art. For my third piece, I used art words that popped up when I looked up the word “Artist” on Wikipedia. I then found a clipart picture of a paint palette. When it was all visualized together, I decided to move some of the words around so it would read “Artists Create Art” because I thought that would be a nice saying and fit with my theme.
The fourth software I had to use was Textorizer 1. This software allows you to create an image using text in which the text shapes the whole image. I used a colored pencil drawing I drew of myself for my advanced drawing/painting class I drew this semester. I typed in the words “Lila, artist, student, art education, and teacher” to convey who I am and want to become. The height of the image was 670, number of strings I used was 48601, the text size was between 6-10, and the threshold was 0. For the font, I selected brush script to make it look artsy.
For the fifth software, I used Textorizer 2 to create a text based art image. I used my last still life painting I made in my Painting class last year, which was a still life of objects representing me. For our last assignment, we had the option to either paint a self-portrait, a found still life, or create our own still life. Since the class was consisted of painting still life’s, I wanted to keep my work cohesive and painted a still life. However, since I did not paint an actual self-portrait, I instead tried to create a “self-portrait” in a still life. The words I typed for this piece read “This painting is a still life of objects representing me. It is a “self-portrait” of objects representing my love for art and school since I am planning on becoming an art teacher.” The opacity was 100, text size was 16, saturation was 255, font size was 1.4, and the actual font I used was Brush Script MT because I wanted the words to look like they were painted on.
For the sixth and final software, I used Excoffizer to create a sort of Op Art with the use of lines and an image. I decided to use a black and white pen drawing I drew of myself for this piece. The opacity was 80, angle was 50, and waviness of the lines was 13.3. I like the way the lines and waviness were created to make a type of art that will make your eyes vibrate. Overall, I really enjoyed using these software’s and am pleased with the end results. I highly encourage all of you to try the software's sometime!
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